I am going to be journaling “My Lifestyle Journey” over the next several months. I hope that it will only be a few months, but time will tell. I joined “Peertrainer” and the support seems to be helping me somewhat. More so, I am just determined to finish what I started when I first began my road to weight loss. Although I did accomplish losing a great deal of weight, I want to finish what I started and reach my original goal. I feel pretty good this week, as I lost 7 pounds. I am walking a fine line though and I feel the pressure with each bite that I put into my mouth. One mess up can ruin the whole thing and it is making me pretty nervous.
My work keeps me on my toes as far as exercise goes, but additional exercising would not hurt at all. I walk about 5 miles a day on my job; however, this is not consistent walking for the most part. One good thing is that I do like to keep moving. I feel better when I do. I do not like to and try not to sit still for too long. This is a key element in weight loss. No matter what you choose to do, keep moving. I try to exercise, additionally, three times a week, but I am pretty tired due to working about 60 hours a week. I sometimes just do not have it in me.
For this week my main diet consisted of lettuce, lots and lots of lettuce. Lettuce seems to help me lose the most. I have been eating either nothing (I know, not good) or cereal in the morning, Cheerios, one cup. It was not much, but it held me until I got home around 3 p.m. When I got home I would either have a Weight Watchers dinner or the equivalent or lettuce and then vice versa for dinner around 6 p.m. No food after 7 p.m. That is also key when dieting for the best results. If I simply had to have a snack I chose sugar-free Jello-O or another cup of Cheerios.
The weekend is coming up and that is always difficult, but if I keep busy I think that I will be okay. Time will tell.
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, and health