You are losing weight by leaps and bounds and overjoyed to say the least, but what do you do when nothing fits you anymore? If you are in this predicament, do not fret, but instead be glad. Most of us do not have a lot of extra money these days to go out and buy a brand new wardrobe. With our falling economy, we are all trying to cut corners. You might be able to afford a pair of pants or a new shirt every so often, but that is a luxury for most of us these days.
When I lost a great deal of weight a couple of years back I had more money to spend. Today is a different story. I am striving to lose the rest of the weight that I had originally planned to and making do with what I have. The shirts are not too much of a problem because to me it is okay if they are a little bit too big. My jeans are a different story. I hate baggy jeans. I gave my sister my old clothes a couple of years ago, eight or so bags. She was thrilled to have them. My niece gave me some of her old clothes, as she became pregnant recently and does not feel she will be wearing them again. They fit me now except for one thing. She is four or five inches shorter than I am. Some of them are too short, but that is okay because the rest do fit me okay.
Circulating clothes benefits everyone. If you are in a support group for weight loss try starting a clothes swapping exchange. I recently came across a website that does just that. At you can post what you have that no longer fits to help someone else in need. You can also pick up some nice clothes that someone else cannot wear. As they say, one hand washes the other. Nice idea!
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, and health.