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We’re Having Fun Now!

Wow, it’s been a morning. It’s about 9:00 a.m. in my time zone as I write this. I’ve already assessed damage from last night’s severe weather, dropped the older kids off for school, had a flat tire, had my flat fixed, shopped at Wal-Mart while waiting for the tire repair, filled up with gas, brought the groceries in and put them away, made an eye doctor’s appointment, cleaned the kitchen, and worked on a crafts with my preschooler. Whew! Try saying that all in one breath.

I have to tell you, working on crafts with my little one really helped me unwind from the hectic morning. Craft projects can be therapeutic for parents as well as a good creative exercise for children. Seeing the delight in my little girl’s eyes made me feel so much more cheerful and helped me relax.

While we were at Wal-Mart waiting for the tire to be repaired, we picked up a few groceries then wandered over to the craft section. Not because I’m addicted to craft supplies, fabric, and all the other fun stuff over there, but because it’s closer to the automotive center and I wanted to be ready when my vehicle was done. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

We found some awesome deals. We found craft foam cutouts featuring Dora the Explorer on sale, which of course thrilled my daughter. They are so cute. There was a bag marked down to $1.50 and a large container filled with them for $5.00. We opted for the bag and bought sheets of craft foam to decorate with the cutouts then moved on to the notions and fabric section.

I always check the remnant bin and clearance section. I happened to find some great fabric and ribbon for about half price. I also got some yarn on sale. The deal of the day however was a huge bag filled with artificial flowers. They must have gathered up all the pieces that became separated from other arrangements over time. We got the whole bag for just $1.00. My little girl was ecstatic. She has been decorating everything in sight since we got home.

Artificial Flowers

She put flowers in her hair, added more flowers to her homemade Easter basket, created her very own flower garden, and she is now selecting which flowers her sisters can use for their Easter baskets, those she wants for her room, and some to use when we make an Easter centerpiece.

If there is another way to delight a child and relieve stress at the same time (all for so little money), I’ve yet to find it, so I just had to share.

Have a great weekend!