Recently on a forum the question was raised, “What are valid reasons to homeschool?” This thread received quite a few answers from many homeschooling moms giving their own reasons for homeschooling. I know I had my reasons for homeschooling whether one could consider them valid or not I have no idea. Over the years I have heard many reasons to homeschool and here are a few that moms considered valid reasons listed below.
Are these valid reasons to homeschool?
Public school system is failing.
Cannot afford private schooling and do not like the public schools.
My child was bullied in school.
My child was bored in school due to being above his level.
My child needs more instruction and was falling behind.
My religious convictions do not make me feel comfortable sending my child to public school.
I do not agree with how the school system runs.
I do not agree with the teaching methods of the school systems.
I was instructed to put my child on medication or not have him return to class.
The teacher in my child’s class is highly ineffective.
My child does not perform well in a competitive atmosphere.
My child does not like school.
I want to spend as much time with my child as I can.
I am my child’s greatest advocate so I will provide the best education.
We travel throughout the year for work.
We move around the country often.
These are just some of the many responses given. You may agree with some and not others. However, the person who raised the question wondered what a valid reason one would have to homeschool. That implies there are invalid reasons to homeschool. While, what drew some to homeschool may not have drawn me to homeschool, how can I judge what is a valid reason? Moreover, I think the decision to homeschool is just that…a decision…a choice. No, you should never make educational decisions for your children casually but why must homeschoolers feel the need to defend their reasons. I don’t ask those who do not homeschool what valid reasons they have to send their child to school. I do not see any reason to search out a valid reason to homeschool. If it is your choice to homeschool then do so without apology or the need to validate your decision.
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