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What Can I Do? – Part 2

Yesterday we looked at the importance of prayer in helping the spread of the gospel message throughout the world and in certain areas in particular. What else can we do to help?

If your church has a link missionary it supports, get their newsletter and prayer points. As well as praying for their needs write them a letter or email letting them know you are praying for them and finding out more of their ministry. It is easier to pray and support people when they are more than just a name. So get to know the people involved in the work. Some years back we did this with Wycliffe Bible Translators and had a great correspondence with several missionaries in Papua New Guinea and even a visit when they came to Australia. It was great to get to know them as individuals and as families.

Even in this day of the internet missionaries are starved for news and information about their home country or home town. Let them know what is happening around your way. They are also severely lacking ay times in good Christian books and bible studies, so send on any copies of Christian literature you have found helpful. This was something I had not thought of till our missionary friends alerted us to this need. Our bible study group has already passed on the studies of Job and I intend sending the studies of Esther I wrote as well.

Recently during a visit our link missionaries from Slovenia at our church and Bible study group mentioned some of the things they miss. Simple things that are obviously not available in Slovenia. Our bible study group has decided to send the occasional care package which include such items as Violet Crumble Bars, Barbecue Shapes and of course the staple no Aussie can exist without – Vegemite.

And last but by no means least; don’t forget that these missions do not occur without expense. So think about how much we have in our country and what you can give from your finances to keep that work happening, so that the commission of Jesus to ‘go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,’ Matthew 28:19.

Bible verses from The New American Standard Version

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