In the book of Acts, Luke gives us wonderful insight into what life was like for the early church. It is fascinating to study what these first Christians did when they came together to fellowship. We can learn much and evaluate our own worship by considering their example.
1. Teaching– The apostles had a large role in the beginnings of the church. As new believers were added to the church, they took the responsibility of telling everyone about Jesus’ life. They undoubtedly passed on everything they had heard Christ say and saw Him do. They likely took the Old Testament and explained how Jesus fulfilled many prophecies. The very doctrine of the early church was established on the teaching of the apostles.
2. Fellowship– Acts makes several references to meetings of the early church. It was important for them to spend much time together recounting the things they had heard and seen. They likely discussed the apostles’ teaching, and encouraged each other in the midst of the persecution that ensued. They also showed love for one another by selling their possessions and distributing to each other’s needs.
3. Worship: The Breaking of Bread– They came together not only to observe the Lord’s Supper, but also to fellowship together over a meal. This remembrance would likely have been characterized as a quiet reflection and remembrance of what Jesus had done.
4. Prayer– The first Christians spent much time in prayer. Acts also records instances of their communal prayers as well as individual prayers. Some early Christians continued to go to the temple to pray, while others held prayer together in individual homes.
The lives of first century Christians are an interesting study and example for us. Are the times which we spend with other Christians opportunities for us to grow in our relationship with the Lord? Do we fellowship in the Spirit of Christ? Do we share prayer and wisdom from the Bible? What a blessing it would have been to be a part of the first group of people to ever know the saving grace of Jesus Christ!
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