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What Does God Want Us to Pray About?

What do you pray about? Do you only pray about the big issues of life? Certainly they are worth praying about, but I believe God is also concerned about the small details of life too. The bible tells us ‘be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God, Philippians 4:6. Yes, I’m back in Philippians again. This book contains so much wisdom.

So we should pray about everything – big and little. Have you ever listened to children pray? They will pray about whatever is on their mind. Children will pray for a fine day for a party or a picnic, that they’ll make the footy team, about a lost toy, for God to heal their pup, or to help them in some way at school or pre-school. I remember my daughter telling me how she used to carry on regular conversations at night while laying in bed with God. She’d tell him all about her day. That’s what we do with friends – we talk to them, often.

Why do we adults think we know so much better than children that we only want to pray about the big issues? Is it because we assume God wouldn’t be interested and doesn’t have time to waste on things we think He wouldn’t consider important? Or that we tend to think we can manage a lot of the time on our own and only call on God when we get really stuck? Or is it because we don’t like admitting that we need help?

Stress is the result of thinking we are or have to be in control of everything. The reality is a lot of things are outside our control. That’s just the way life is. As those who experienced the bushfires recently found. Life can change in an instant. Will you wait till disaster strikes before you pray or do you take each day and its joys and problems to God? That’s what He wants us to do. So let’s be like children and be willing to pray about everything.

Bible verses from The New American Standard Version

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