The little girl in our story is very fond of her teddy bear and plays with him often. Every day, she leaves him behind while she goes to school, but she can’t help but wonder – does he really stay there the whole time, or does he come to life and embark on wild adventures of his own? Maybe he flips on the radio and dances all around her room. Maybe he paints on her walls. There’s only one way to find out, and that’s to stay at home and spy on him. She’ll keep her eyes peeled and see if she can figure it all out.
She peeks in through the keyhole. No, he’s not moving yet, but she’s going to catch him. She’s absolutely sure of it.
She goes outside and climbs a tree, then watches him through her bedroom window with a pair of binoculars. She’s getting sneakier, but so is he – he still hasn’t moved.
She turns on the radio and hides behind a door to see if he’ll dance. No luck. She turns on the TV, but he doesn’t turn around to watch it. Hmmmmm.
Finally she comes up with a plan – her best one yet. She goes into the kitchen and gets out a full jar of honey. She sets it down and turns to get the bear, but he’s not where she left him. Where did he go?
She finds him sitting next to the honey, his stomach bulging, and the jar empty. It may not have been in the way she thought, but she did catch him after all.
This cute story book is full of great illustrations – the expressions on the face of the teddy bear are definitely worth the read.
(This book was published in 2004 by Penguin Young Readers Group and was illustrated with the paintings of Birte Muller.)
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