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What “Feels” Right?

Going through a difficult time or a big period of transition can have the affect of causing us to close ourselves off from our intuition or feelings. We turn to other “experts” and attempt to get some order into what can feel like an incredibly chaotic life. Once the dust settles, however, it might be time to get back in touch with our gut instincts. As single parents, we need to be able tap into our feelings and figure out what “feels” like the right choices and the right way to parent our own unique child.

I really do believe that we know what is best for ourselves and for our children if only we will trust our intuition. It just can be so darn hard when our confidence is shaken or we are having a hard time in other areas of our lives. It is perfectly typical to assume that since we have made a mistake or if we think our feelings have led us to some “wrong” places that we cannot trust those feelings. I believe, however, that our children NEED us to get back in touch with those maternal and paternal gut feelings so that we can tune in, connect, and make the right decisions and choices for our own family situation.

At some point, we have to turn away from the books and the articles and the lists, and turn off all those outside voices—no matter how well-meaning or inspirational they may be. When push comes to shove, we are the ones who need to be making those tough, personal decisions anyway. It is then that we can dig down and tap into our own feelings and inspirational knowledge and figure out what “feels” like the right thing for us to do for ourselves, our children, and our families.