If you are pregnant, chances are you have heard at least one or two accounts of how someone’s water broke when it was almost time for their baby to be born. While having your water break before you head for the hospital is completely normal, it is also normal for your water to remain intact until you are at the hospital and your labor is well underway. What is it like for your water to break? I have no idea, because mine did not break during either pregnancy, it had to be broken both times.
I did some research so that you can know what it feels like to have your water break. It’s not always a huge gush of fluid, sometimes it starts as a trickle. Some people do in fact feel a popping sensation in their abdomen when it happens. Also, that fluid might not be of the amniotic variety. Urinary incontinence is common towards the end of pregnancy. Even though it could be pee in your pants, it is important to call your prenatal care provider immediately if you think that your water has broken, just in case. It’s also important to know that they may not have you come to the hospital right away. You may be given a set of instructions on how to monitor your situation for a period of time before coming to the hospital.
During my first pregnancy, I was admitted to the hospital for an induction because I had preeclampsia. While I was waiting for labor to progress, I decided to take a walk around the birthing center. I stepped out of my room and into the hallway, by the nurses’ station. Suddenly, I felt warm fluid running down my leg. Surprised, I looked up at the woman who was at the nurses’ station and excitedly told her that my water had broken. She told me to go back into my room, and someone would be by to check on me in a few minutes.
I waddled back into the room and excitedly told my husband that my water had broken. It was a relief to think that labor might begin to progress soon, and I was eager to meet our son. When a nurse came to check whether my water had broken, she informed me that my water was still intact and that what I had thought was water was pee. Yup. I had stood right in the hallway and peed my pants, and then I got all excited about it because I thought that it was my water breaking. My husband still gets a good chuckle out of that story. He poked fun at me quite a bit that evening (and at other times since then) and said that my new nickname is “puddles”.
Photo by danembraceddc on morguefile.com.