We know that all men, all women, and all relationships are different. However, there are common elements that exist in the majority of human relationships. So, while this might not pertain to every man or in every situation, it is an accurate assessment of what many husbands want from their sex lives.
One of the most important things is spontaneity. This covers a lot of ground. It can mean that your husband would like you to get impulsive and initiate intimacy sometimes, as this is a very important issue for some men. It makes him feel sexy and wanted to be the “chasee” instead of the chaser sometimes.
On the other hand, the more encompassing aspect of spontaneity tends to be responsiveness. How many times has a wife brushed aside her husband’s advances, in order to wait for just the perfect moment? “Maybe later, right now I have to… (fill in the blank).”
Whether it’s housework or homework, making lunches or doing laundry, there seems to be frequent reasons why a wife cannot simply fall into her husband’s arms. Imagine a husband’s delight (and perhaps shock) if he sneaked up and kissed the back of his wife’s neck and purred sexy suggestions in her ear and she actually melted into his arms and said, “I was thinking the same thing.”
Too many times, we schedule intimacy for later, for another day –and that’s a maybe- because we get overwhelmed with life’s demands. Well, those dishes will still be there in an hour. While it isn’t always possible to drop everything, try it at least some of the time. Drop what you’re doing and respond to your husband and see how he reacts. By doing so, you let him know that he is more important than anything in the world, at least for that moment.
Realize too, that spontaneous advances (which often seem to occur when you are busy) are not necessarily just about sexual gratification. As often, it’s about your husband’s need to feel loved, wanted, attractive, and to re-establish a connection between the two of you (although he may ask for such things in much sexier words).