A blind date is a date between two people who have never met and typically know little or nothing about each other. Friends, family or co-workers usually try to arrange a blind date in order to hook up two people whom they do know and care about and want to see happy.
Participating in blind dates is more popular than most people may think. On university campus settings, blind dates happen as often as 1 date in 10 though whether they are labeled blind dates or mixers or through fraternity/sorority events. Blind dates may not always lead to true love, but they often lead to funny anecdotes and stories.
Occasionally blind dates will lead to further dates, or at least the attempt of getting to know each other. Blind dates allow two people to share a meal, some awkward conversation and hopefully find something in common that may have lead to others setting them up in the first place.
Are blind dates the way to go? Depends on the personalities involved. Gregarious personalities or extroverts are much more likely to enjoy the spice, variety and mystery of a blind date. Though oddly enough, it is more likely that an introvert will be fixed up on such a date rather than an extrovert. The why of it is pretty simple? Extroverts are more likely to date someone brand new on a whim, while an introvert could lean towards avoiding such a date unless purposefully fixed up on it.
So is there a benefit to such a date? Of course there is. It really does depend on a lot of ‘x factors’ key among those are how well do the two being fixed up find themselves getting along, do they have anything in common, is there a natural attraction? Funnily enough, all the same factors that are employed when two people meet for any reason, not just set up on a blind date.
Have you ever been on a blind date?
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