What is a toddler? When does toddlerhood begin and when does it end? Is a toddler a toddler only when the toddling starts?
The marketing world has branded our babies as toddlers when they cross the threshold from months to years. An eleven-month-old is a baby until she turns one and then she’s a toddler. Similarly the marketing world turns our three-year-old toddlers into preschoolers. Emily has been toddling around since she was ten months old, but just turned one last week. She seems awfully little to be a toddler, but she is.
Jessie is three years and eight months old. I still consider her a toddler even though she is in a speech therapy program at the local school district’s preschool. I might consider her a non-toddler when she’s closer to five. I’m sure I would feel that way even if she didn’t have speech, cognition, and developmental delays.
Merriam-Webster defines toddler as one who toddles or young child. Dictionary.com has a very similar definition. The World Dictionary gives an age range of one to two-and-a-half. I wonder what World Dictionary considers a two-and-a-half year old to be?
Baby E is still learning how to walk steadily. She falls down a lot but picks herself right back up and keeps going. She will even run sometimes. Jessie often looks like she just learned to walk too.
I love having two toddlers. Baby E has turned into such a little person. She is full of personality. She’s big enough that she and Jessie can together. Jessie seems to really like Baby E now and the fact that she’s not really a baby anymore. Jessie is so good at entertaining Baby E in the car. She’s a wonderful big sister.
Where did the time go? How did my babies become toddlers?