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What is a wishlist and how do you start one?

A wishlist is term used in the coupon trading world to describe a list of coupons you want. They could be coupons for an upcoming sale or just a general list of coupons you are looking for all the time. A wishlist allows others to see what you are looking for so they can see if they have what you need. By trading for coupons on your wishlist, you can prepare yourself for anticipated upcoming sales.

To start your wishlist simply go to the Wishlist Forum and create a new thread named “(Your Username) Wishlist.” Here are some tips to help you get started building your wishlist. It can be difficult in the beginning — figuring out what coupons are out there, what your store has on sale regularly, and what you are looking for.

A couponer knows that you cannot be brand loyal. However, I’m sure we all have certain products we can’t live without. My husband, for example, seems to think he can only eat Breakstone Cottage Cheese, which they rarely ever have coupons for; and when they do, they never seem to come in my inserts. Therefore, I am left trading for them. However, since that is something I am going to buy whether or not it’s on sale, that would be something on my wishlist. Start by making a list of things to which you are brand loyal.

After you have been couponing and shopping for a while you may start to see a cycle of items your store has on sale. Usually stores put the same products on sale about every 4 – 6 weeks. Making a price book of items, which are on sale, will make you aware of which items go on sale regularly. Add those items to your coupon wishlist.

Look in your Sunday inserts for coupons that you think you can use more than one of; for example, you might see a coupon for $1.00 off Sara Lee bread in your Sunday inserts and your store has this at a regular price of $1.49. If this is a good price for you, add the $1 off Sara Lee Bread coupon to your wishlist, so you can get more of them.

When you get your wishlist done, you can then check the Coupon Data Base for those items to see what different values are available out there. Depending on your store, whether they double, triple or neither, there might be a better coupon out there that would work better for you. By searching the database you can see what different coupon values are out there. When you see one that would work best for what your store offers, add that to your wishlist. For Example, if there are coupons for $1.00 Sara Lee Bread and $.55 off Sara Lee bread, but your store doesn’t double over .50. Your best bet would be to add the $1 off Sara lee bread to your wishlist, since that one is the one that would work best for you, and net you the cheapest bread.

After your wishlist is done you can go back in to the thread you created and edit or add more wishlist items as you think of them. You can also bump your wishlist up every 2 days to let people know you are still looking for these items.

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About Jody Connolly (Benjaminna)

I am a married SAHM of five (and one cat)! My oldest daughter is 12, a diva ready to take over the world. My 10-year-old son, my informer, loves to make sure everyone is doing what he or she is supposed to (although he is no angel). I have an 8 year old daughter, who is just one of a kind. My 2 1/2 year old daughter, her own little personality is shinning through, and so are her terrible twos. And last but not least, my 1-year-old son, who is just the happiest and most content baby in the world. Things I love to do: coupons, rebates, read, color with sidewalk chalk, blow bubbles