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What Is at the Center of Your Life and Why It Matters

What is at the center of your life? That which is at the center of our lives determines the shape of our lives and the direction our lives take. Whether it is work, ambition, self interest, spouse and family, or some other obsession, it is a question for all of us to answer.

This idea for a blog came after reading a novel called Summertime by Liz Rigbey. One of the characters, Lucy, in talking about a policeman said, ‘he talked of men who lost their family, how that was the price you paid if you couldn’t or wouldn’t put them at the center of your life.’
Why is what is at the center of our lives so important. The thing is whatever is at the center of our lives affects our attitudes and out behavior. It affects our use of time. It doesn’t mean other things aren’t important but that they take less precedence. It’s good for us to look at our live and it’s good for our spouse to also know what is the main priority in life.

Years ago someone Mick knew couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t go for a promotion. It was quite simple. It would have meant a lot more time at work, and away from home. That’s not what he wanted. Because one of his priorities at the heart of his life is his wife and family.

Similarly in my case writing and work has always taken second place to my husband and family. That’s just the way we are.

When I look at my life my decisions are based on what is central to my life which is Jesus, my husband and family in that order. When I asked Mick the question as I was thinking about this blog I he gave me the same first answer. But I know from the choices he’s made that the other two follow closely behind that as they do for me. Everything he and I do is shaped according to those central priorities.

So what is at the center of your life? Would you spouse and marriage figure anywhere in the picture? I’d love to hear from some people about this.

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