Five thousand years ago, spiritual texts called the Vedas set down the basis for Ayurveda — the science of life. A visit to an Ayurvedic practitioner will be very different from a visit to your general practitioner or family doctor!
Treatments are geared towards a patient’s specific constitution — every person is made up of a unique combination of elements (earth, air, water, fire, and space). Your constitution is known as your pakruti, and is based on the constitution of your mother and father. Your constitution has a dominant pair of elements, known as a dosha — space and air, fire and water, or water and earth. Knowing and dealing with your dominant elements can help you maintain balance and good health.
If you are a vata (space and air) person, your primary characteristic is changeability — this dosha is very easily thrown out of balance and hard to get back into balance. Vatas are prone to dry skin, chapped lips, and dry hair. Vatas also have a tendency towards digestive issues, arthritis and joint aches, insomnia, and fatigue.
If you are a pitta (fire and water) person, your primary characteristic is determination — think of an astute, Type A business person. Pittas tend to have inflammatory issues, including tempers, impulsiveness, ulcers, and fevers.
If you are a kapha (water and earth) person, you are steady, slow, and down-to-earth. Kaphas tend to be overweight and have related issues like high cholesterol and heart disease.
Most people are single or two-dosha types; tridoshic people are very rare. Your internal constitution (pakruti) is impacted by the outer, day-to-day conditions, known as your vikriti. Ideally, your pakruti and your vikriti should mirror each other.
If your Ayurvedic practitioner determines that you are out of balance, you may be prescribed herbs, meditation, an exercise plan, a diet change, or a cleansing/detoxification.
Ayurvedic philosophy recommends this basic daily schedule for optimum balance and health:
- Wake up early, between 5:30 and 6:30am
- Meditate twice a day — morning and afternoon — for twenty minutes each time
- Eat a mostly meatless diet
- Eat your main meal at lunchtime and smaller meals at breakfast and dinner
- Take short walks after eating to aid digestion
- Do something enjoyable before bedtime
- Try to get to sleep by 10:00pm