Energy healing meditation is a form of healing meditation that uses life energy to heal the body and return it to balance. The belief behind this form of meditation is that when the energy is flowing freely in the body, health is the natural result. However, when the energy is blocked and out of balance, illness will occur.
Many spiritual traditions hold the belief that the individual has the power to heal the body. Meditation can awaken this innate healing ability. This is the premise of energy healing meditation. By moving the energy through the body and brining the body back into balance, health can be restored. This is an easy technique that can be practiced in any quiet place.
Although this can seem a bit too New Age for some people, there is some evidence to suggest the technique actually does work. A study at the University of Wisconsin found increases in brain patterns and immune system response in subjects who meditate. Another study at UCLA found that the immune system was strengthened and the progress of HIV slowed with meditation.
Go into a room where you will be able to sit quietly and focus without interruption. Sit in a comfortable, upright position. A meditation cushion can be used for comfort. In this form of meditation, the breath is slow and even as you inhale and exhale, without holding the breath before exhaling. On each inhalation, breathe in the healing life force and visualize the light energy entering the body.
On the exhalation breath, direct the energy in the body. This can be done for general health by moving the energy throughout the entire body. If you are using this form of meditation to heal a specific ailment, imagine moving the light energy to the part of the body where healing is needed.
Throughout the meditation process, feel the life force energy moving through the body and to the areas where pain or illness is present. Continue for about ten minutes each day to gain the full benefits of energy healing meditation.