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What is L.I.N.K.S.?


What is L.I.N.K.S.? I’m sure by now that you’ve heard of LINKS, whether you paid attention or not is another thing. Many hear it and think nothing of it, others just think it is some wives club but only a small amount will go out and find out what it is. So, I’ve figured I’d bring LINKS to you, okay well I’m not actually bringing it to you.

First, L.I.N.K.S. is a great class for you to take if you are about to marry someone in the military or are newly married. This is a class taught by other spouses explaining everything about the military from the pay to the abbreviations. Everyone adds to this with their own individual stories, which I’ve always found fun. I love hearing that I wasn’t the only one that lost a box
during a move or that someone else had to live in hotels because there was nothing available when they got to their next duty station. Stories are great to hear, whether you’ve been in for 100 years or just a day.

Do you need LINKS if you have been married for more than 5 years? That all depends on what you know about the military. For me I knew most of what was taught in the class, but I did learn I’d probably make a great fit in the LINKS team because I knew about the military and had a lot of stories to add to it. Do you? Can you think of anything from your experience in the military? Maybe
a few funny stories or serious ones that could teach someone that is just coming in. Ever give birth without your spouse there? Maybe you can share your wisdom of how you did it and what you suggest.

L.I.N.K.S. is all about teaching other spouses what the military is and how to get through it when you don’t think you can. It’s there to show you a sister support group. Don’t get me wrong the class is long and for some you will wonder how much longer but for others they will be so happy to be there meeting others. If you try using the excuse that you don’t have childcare, they are ready to provide childcare right there in the next room. Find out today if you fit into the LINKS program, you’ll find yourself a small little family just waiting for you.

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