Do you know what kind of body type you have? There are three. Small. Medium. Large. Actually, I’m kidding. There are three body types but they have to do with genetics and metabolism. Endomorph, ectomorph and mesomorph. I like small, medium and large better because the first three sound like something straight out of Ghostbusters.
The only reason to know your body type is to understand the types of exercise that you will benefit the most from. I know that with my build, I will always be athletic in shape and I will never be a dainty, fairy like waif.
The trick is to identify what your body type is and then what types of exercises are best for it. Not everyone agrees with this and I think that if you are born with a particular body type, that’s the type, you’re going to have. Although cosmetic surgery can trim, nip and tuck different areas of our bodies, we are who we are.
A friend of mine had a tummy tuck a few years ago. She wanted to recapture the waistline of her youth. The surgery was remarkable and for several months, she looked great. But she doesn’t exercise regularly and the weight that trimmed away at the belly is settling in her hips and thighs. She complains about it occasionally, but she doesn’t believe she can do anything about it because that’s just how she is.
After my daughter was born, I put on weight in my hips and my belly. The rest of my body has trimmed up nicely, but I still carry excess weight in my middle. That’s genetics for sure. My mother and great-grandmother shared the same body types. So does one of my cousins.
Just because you have been born with a body type, doesn’t mean you can never improve yourself or feel better about yourself. What your body type ‘should-be’ should not dictate to your self-image. I will never be dainty and I am glad for that.
However, what is beauty but infinite variety? So if you want to choose your exercises based on your body type, go for it. If you want to choose your exercises based on the amount of time you have, go for it. If you want to choose the exercises you enjoy the most, then by all means, go for it.
The trick is to exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet and enjoy yourself. You do those and you’re going to be quite fine.