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What is RootsTech?

Salt Lake City If you are brand new to genealogy, you might not have ever heard of RootsTech. Or, perhaps you have heard of it, but never really got a good description about what it is, and why genealogists want to attend it. Here are a few of the basic things to know about RootsTech.

RootsTech is a conference designed to bring together technologists and genealogists. The idea is that these two groups can work together in order to find innovative solutions to common problems that are faced by genealogists when they do their research.

It creates a reciprocal system. The people who develop the technology can get instant feedback about how well their creations work. The critique will come from other creators of technology, as well as users of the technology. Genealogists and family historians can learn about new technology that can help them with their research. Everyone who attends can learn from hands-on workshops, or from attending interactive presentations.

This year’s RootsTech will take place on February 2-4, 2012. It will be held at the Salt Palace Convention Center, in Salt Lake City, Utah. It is hosted by FamilySearch. If you want to attend, you have to register. This can only be done through the RootsTech website. Therefore, you must be able to pay by using a credit card.

The full registration price is $189.00. If you are a student, and can show a valid school ID, then you can pay the student price, which is $35.00. If you only want to attend RootsTech for one of the days it is running, then you can purchase a single day pass for $79.00.

In addition to the registration price, you are likely going to have to pay for a hotel room to stay in, meals, and expenses related to traveling and parking. You are on your own when it comes to making arrangements for those types of things.

Registration includes a three-day pass to the RootsTech conference. (Unless you purchased a single day pass, which will only allow you to have access to RootsTech for one day). You get access to the Expo Hall, and a ticket to the Thursday and Friday evening events. You get the opportunity to sign up for prize drawings, and you get to participate in collaborative sessions. Registration will also get you a conference bag.

Most genealogists will find it exciting to be able to attend RootsTech. Genealogists who attend get to the chance to experience hands-on workshops, and interactive classes, that will help them to accelerate their research. You can participate in product demos, learn about how to adapt new technologies to genealogy, and have the opportunity to do some networking with other genealogists.

Image by Garrett on Flickr