Before thinking that your marriage is doomed and all hope and love is lost. Think about the mood of your marriage. Yes marriages can have moods. Sometimes a marriage gets stuck in a particular mood and needs a refreshing change.
For example, if your marriage mood is rush, rush, rush, maybe slowing down for a moment is exactly what you need. In today’s busy world, we can get too wrapped up in life. We rush not to be late to work or school in the mornings. We then rush to soccer practice and ballet in the afternoons. Then it is rush home for supper. Hurry and get the kids in bed. After that most parents are too tired to even talk. If this sounds like your marriage, then plan a do nothing date. One Saturday or Sunday, plan on having the kids go visit friends. Plan for you and your husband to sleep late. Rent movies and order pizza. Hanging out on the couch together all day or take a walk. The point is to do something that you want to do.
Some marriage moods are too much like a business. The house is kept immaculately, supper is at the same time every night, and the clothes are neatly pressed. The couple would not dare to thinking of making love before dark or kissing when the wife has on lipstick. While this sounds like a good life, is it fun? This couple most definitely needs to have a let loose night. They need something spontaneous.
Other marriages are too crazy. The couple never has things organized and are always going out on a whim. At times they may not take their relationship serious enough. This type of couple may need to cut out the jokes and have a heart touching conversation every now and then.
10 Things You Find in a Happy Marriage