I am going to savor every moment of this last month. The last month before my baby officially turns into a one year old. I can’t take it. The time has gone by way too quickly. It always does.
Today is his 11 month birthday and the best gift he could give me? He finally said Mama. Intentionally. You see, he has been saying “Dada” intentionally for a few months now. I have to admit that I’ve been more than a little jealous. My husband is fabulous and wonderful, and deserves the love too, but a Mom is always eager to hear her babe say her name.
I can tell that he is really trying to figure out talking and I couldn’t be more thrilled. He was watching my mouth today as I said “Bottle” over and over again to him. He made a sound trying to imitate mine. He’s been doing that a lot lately. For example, he likes to say “Ruff” when he hears a dog bark, and the ba sound is definitely for bottle. And, when he is really tired, I swear he is trying to say, “Night Night” to me. So, after he tried to say bottle today, I thought I would try one more time for Mama. He smiled the first few times I said it, then the last time he said, “Mama!” perfectly. I think I screamed.
He is at such a cute stage right now. He loves to dance to music and clap his hands when you say yay. He is cutting all four front teeth at once and is still a smiley baby. And, the best part? He has become a champion napper. Taking two great naps a day. Usually a one hour nap in the morning, and a two hour nap in the afternoon.
In other news, he learned to crawl this month, which I already blogged about here, and I feel like the walking is just around the corner. Because of his recent flu shot reaction, his pediatrician wanted to hold off on round two of the shot. I’m glad he made that decision. My gut is still telling me there could be an underlying egg issue still, but we have not had him allergy tested yet.
Having my little guy in our family has made everyday so fun. The smiles, and laughs make parenting worth it. I couldn’t ask for a sweeter little being to be part of my life.
*Photo courtesy of Morguefile.com