What does your face reveal about you? When you look at some people you can almost read what they are thinking and feeling on their faces.
Recently Mick and I were reliving old memories watching the 2005 AFL grand final which our team, the Sydney Swans, won. We were there on the day and it brings back a lot of memories of the fun and the drama that occurred with a taxi accident and a missed plane before we actually got to the game. But that’s another story.
This time though as I watched the game, and particularly the tight last quarter, I focused on the faces of people in the crowd as the TV camera picked them up.
The faces revealed tension, anger, hope, worry, nervousness, fear and in one woman’s case absolute disgust after her team let the other team take and easy mark and goal. I’m sure my face reflected many of those same emotions on the day.
What I want to talk about here though is what your face reflects in your marriage? What does you spouse see when you look at them? Do they see love and pride? Or do they see annoyance, impatience and disapproval?
Now I admit I’ve got a face that invariably gives me away. I don’t think I’m hard to read at all. My face usually shows what I’m thinking or feeling. It’s not intentional. It just seems to be the way I am.
When your spouse looks at your face what is it telling them? Is it showing anger, irritation, frustration and negative thoughts? Or is it showing love, respect, pride and gratitude?
What it shows will probably reflect what you are feeling and thinking. So if you want your spouse to know they are loved and that you are proud of them, practice thinking about the things you love about them and the things you’re proud of them for. Then it will be reflected in your face when you look at them.
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