Today my little guy turned 5 months old. I can hardly believe it! If you had asked me two months ago if I was ever going to make it to 5 months, I probably would have said no! It seemed forever away, and now it has already come and gone. That’s the joy of motherhood.
My 5 month old is so precious. This past week, he got really sick and we were worried about him. He wasn’t worried, though. He just smiled and smiled and smiled through it all. Despite all my posts about him being a very fussy baby, he is also somehow a very smiley baby. I’m not sure how that is possible, but it is! Mood swings maybe?
This past month, my little guy rolled over from his stomach to his back a couple of times. He has also gotten so close to rolling from back to stomach, but he’s not quite there yet. He found his feet, which is so cute, but gets mad when you take them away from him to put his pants on! He has also become so intrigued by watching us eat. He watches us as we take bites of food, lunges at our plates while frantically trying to grab them, and the other day I handed him an empty sippy cup, and he knew exactly what to do with it! He grabbed the handles and put the spout right into his mouth.
He also has started to laugh more which can melt any Mom’s heart. The other day, I said, “mama” while pointing to myself, and he thought that was the most hilarious thing I had ever said. It definitely feels good to feel like I’m so entertaining!
While I still feel like he only has eyes for me, he has started to really enjoy his big sister and brother a lot too. I can say, go play with your little brother, and the three of them can entertain each other for quite some time.
I swear he is trying to say, “hi” when I say it to him because he mimics the h sound so perfectly. This age is so adorable, and I love every minute of it. But, I always can’t wait to see what the next month will bring!
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