I was recently reminded of all the little comforts we provide for our children that almost become set in stone. Things that you do when they are sick, sad or just not happy with the world.
I was reminded of this by a three year old with a tummy ache. I’m sure married parents do the same thing but for us single moms, those little things we do become almost a talisman. They give us something to hold onto when it’s dark, our child is sick and we are afraid.
Even at eighteen Hailey believes in the healing power of ginger ale. From the time she was small if she was vomiting I would give her sips of ginger ale. I don’t know why it works, but it does. Maybe it’s just because we believe in it so strongly.
When Hailey couldn’t keep anything down, a sip at a time of ginger ale seemed to settle her stomach. For me, it just felt good to be doing something, anything, to help my baby feel better.
I remember the first time Hailey was sick in the night after the divorce. There was really nothing I could do by rock her on my lap and give her ginger ale. I guess that was really what she needed. For two days we just slowed down. I stayed home from work and she stayed home from school, we cuddled, read, and I gave her ginger ale.
Hailey still reaches for ginger ale if her stomach is upset. It’s funny how we develop little routines and habits that comfort our children. It’s even funnier how much comfort they are to us. Sometimes there’s really nothing you can do. The stomach flu has to run it’s course, all you can do is provide comfort.
When I had a plan, I was less afraid. Something I could do, it might not fix the problem but it would comfort Hailey and let her know that everything was going to be okay.
In our house, ginger ale fixes everything.