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What It Means To Be Head of the Household- Part 3

In the last two blogs I have made the point that being head of the household does not mean the husband dominating his wife but them working together as a partnership. So if we make decisions most of the time through discussion and by talking things through together, how can I say that my husband is head of the household? How exactly does that work out in practice? Let me tell you.

He is the head of the household because ultimately he is the one who will make the final decision. If we talk things through and can’t reach a decision together, then he will make the decision and I am happy to leave it to him. I am happy to submit to my husband because I know he wants what is best for us and for our life together and what was also best for our family in the days when they were younger.

The other way he is head of the household is he is the spiritual head of our marriage and family. In some families, spiritual life and bible teaching is left to the women, often because some men abdicate their responsibility in this area or don’t view it as important. This is not what the bible teaches.

It what happened in our household. Mick was actively involved in teaching our children and other children from the Bible, in family devotions and prayer, and in setting a positive example for his son and daughter by attending church and bible study just as I did. He was the one who said grace, and still does most the time.

He takes seriously his responsibility to lead by example. That example is by following the example of Jesus which is one of love, self sacrifice and service, see Ephesians 5:25-26. It means caring for the spiritual welfare, and endeavoring to encourage the maturity and growth of his wife. He leads us in bible study and prayer.

In these ways he fulfils his God given role as head of the household.

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