Yes, I sound like a PR person for La Leche League, I know. But really – how many of you think that La Leche League is an organization for radical breastfeeders? Hands up! Ok, check. That’s what I thought too. However, that was until I actually met the folks in our local group. Granted, LLL groups differ, but here is what you can expect from an LLL meeting.
You can expect a well-run meeting, but one that is more casual than you might be used to if you’ve been in the corporate world. La Leche League meetings tend to have a short presentation at the beginning on the topic of the month. This might be infant nutrition or bringing home your newborn, for example. A leader with a lot of experience nursing a child will talk with the parents who are there about the topic, then you’ll have a circle and talk about your experiences.
Come early or stay late for personal assistance directed towards your nursing questions or problems. La Leche League meetings are group meetings. It’s possible to have your personal concerns addressed by a lot of moms at the meeting, which is wonderful. However, if you need urgent and immediate help latching on your newborn, come a little early so that you can get the personal assistance you need before the meeting. Otherwise, you might feel like the meeting is moving on and that you’re not getting the personal help that you came for.
Expect to build community. You’ll find a group of parents who are all oriented towards natural and attachment parenting to various degrees. You’ll find moms who are all working towards breastfeeding their babies. Some may have nursed several children for years, while others may be new and struggling or transitioning from formula-feeding to breastfeeding. Expect a community full of support and suggestions.
You’ll learn a lot more about the mechanics and the social aspects of breastfeeding – more than you ever thought possible. LLL leaders have many resources, so if you need to know about nursing and illness, nursing and your health, or many, many other topics, use your leader as a resource person. The people at the meetings are wonderful resource people too. When your older baby starts to kick you while nursing, you’ll find a lot of helpful suggestions about what you can do. When you’re pregnant with another child and nursing, you’ll find women who’ve experienced this and can give you tips on how to handle pregnancy while nursing. This wealth of experience is priceless.
Expect to learn a lot about the topics that surround breastfeeding. You’ll find resources about baby wearing, child nutrition, sleep and gentle discipline. Although La Leche League does not have a position on everything to do with raising your family, you will find support and recommendations for gentle, attached parenting.
Have you been to an LLL meeting? How was your experience?