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What Makes a Good Marriage Partner?

Most of us dream at some stage of the person we will marry. Some of us even set down a few ideas or a checklist of what we’d like in a mate. But what really makes a good marriage partner.

When I asked Mick this question he came up with the answer. ‘Me,’ he said jokingly. While I agree wholeheartedly, we then started to talk more about it in depth. The list he came up with was similar to mine. Here’s our ideas.

A good marriage partner is someone who:

1. puts their spouse and their needs first. That means not being selfish but considering their spouse’s needs above their own.

2. accepts their partner as they are and doesn’t try to change them. They have realistic expectations. They know they aren’t perfect and don’t expect their marriage partner to be perfect either.

3. has a sense of humor. Laughter can change most situations. When things are tough, laughter can be a great stress reliever. Of course there needs to be a balance. There are times when not everything is funny and a joke is inappropriate.

4. respects the marriage relationship and does not share intimate details with others. The one exception to this would be if you were in counseling.

5. can be spontaneous sometimes. Marriage can become routine, unless you make an effort at times to do something spontaneous. It may be something as simple as taking off for the beach, going to the movies, taking an overnight stay in a motel, or taking the kids to a fast food chain.

6. pitches in to help around the house, and doesn’t need to be asked to do jobs.

7. is romantic. Often these don’t need to be big gestures but just little things that keep the romance alive.

8. secure in themselves and is not jealous without cause.

9. is forgiving and doesn’t hold a grudge or keep score.

10. shows their love to their marriage partner in big and small ways every day.

I’d love to hear anyone else’s suggestions of what makes a good marriage partner.

How does your spouse measure up? More importantly how do you measure up? Are you a good marriage partner?

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