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What Makes a Person One God Can Use?

Do you want to be a person God can use? What qualifications would you need to have to be someone God can use?

I’m going to suggest there are five qualities you need.

1. Willingness

Willingness to be used by God in the way He chooses. Sometimes it may dovetail in with what you think your gifts may be. But that may not always be the case. Sometimes he may call you to step out of your comfort zone into area you don’t feel equipped for, so you absolutely have to depend on Him for everything you need.

2. Teachability

You and I each need to have hearts that are teachable. It’s not enough though just to be able to quote God’s Word. Even Satan can do that. See Matthew 4. We also need to be able to see how it applies town lives and thane act on His word in obedience.

3. Prayerfulness

Nothing is achieved for God and for His kingdom without an undergirding of prayer

4. Confidence

This confidence relies not on yourself but a deep revelation of God’s Sovereignty and Authority. When you have this, you will ‘have bold faith and be able to face the enemy knowing your God is stronger.’ The best for place for that confidence and your faith to grow is by meeting with other Christians in church and bible study groups as well as making time for our own individual study of God’s Word and spending time with Him. In these ways we will learn more about our Lord and His ways.

5. Obedience.
We are not always called to understand what God is doing or even why. Hat we are called to do is obey His Word. It is no good reading The Bible unless you are obedient to what God is saying to you.

You might think of other qualities to add to these five. If so, please let me know.

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