Recently RedBook magazine held a contest to find “America’s Hottest Husband”. So what does it take to be “America’s Hottest Husband”? Well looks definitely cannot hurt! However, the men that made the finals have much more than great looks.
The winner, a postal carrier in Las Vegas, gave up his career and moved to accommodate the career of his wife. He says it is important to think of her instead of himself. He leaves her love notes and comments about her good looks.
One runner up was a father of six and a grandfather! He makes it a point to make their life about each other in addition to about being mom and dad. He periodically brings his wife roses.
Other finalist pamper their wives with sweet words and acts of kindness. One was a stay at home dad and one was a doctor. The men all have different lifestyles and ideas about marriage. However the one thing that they do have in common is that they cherish and love their wives.
Being hot is about much more than a sexy body and a good looking face. In most cases the things that turn us on the most about our men are not wrapped up in their looks. It’s more about their words and actions.
So what is it that makes your husband hot? Is the way that he helps out around the house? Is it how he takes the time to play with the children? Or is it the way that he makes you feel so special?
What does it take for your man to do to give you that feeling of new exciting love where you realize that you are the luckiest woman in the world?
For me, it is a mixture. It is the way that he just looks at me and smiles and I know that he is mine.