It’s a common question, “What do men really want?” While it’s a given that all men are uniquely different, they do have some common characteristics. It might surprise you to learn that the things men want are really not that different from what women want. It might also surprise you to learn that some of their needs are every bit as emotional and sensitive as our own.
From observing men in my life, talking to men, and doing a lot of research, I’ve come to the conclusion that devoted, married men have one thing in common as far as what they want. Their biggest issue is making their wives happy. Believe it or not, loving husbands are at their happiest when their wives feel happy and fulfilled.
It makes sense if you think about it. A man’s very nature shapes him to be the hunter/provider/protector in a relationship. Throw in pursuer/lover too. If he has the sense that he has failed in any or all of these objectives, he is not going to feel good about himself, even if circumstances beyond his control have kept him from performing in these roles satisfactorily.
If we as wives take this into consideration, we may be better able to understand our husbands’ frustration at times, and realize that it isn’t directed as us. It is more times than not a self-denigrating reaction.
We can help our husbands by becoming more positive and supportive even when times are hard, instead of complaining or wishing aloud for things that he cannot currently provide. We can also take the initiative and try to help contribute more and offer more support. This can be done in many ways, such as making life easier for him at home so he has the strength to put in overtime, encouraging him, and being more grateful for what we already have.