Over the past few days we’ve looked at getting our priorities right and making sure our lives exhibit transformation, love, commitment, joy. But how practically can we change our lives to incorporate these important features in our lives, when each day is so busy and so crammed with activities?
If we’re waiting for a day without any troubles before we implement a change, it will never happen because each day has troubles, Jesus said the forecast is trouble, trouble and more trouble, Matthew 6:34. So it’s not likely to get better.
It’s a fact too, that each day only comes in one size – 24 hours. So wishing for more hours as we have established will achieve nothing.
Jesus in verse 33 gives the answer to the problem of how to deal with the troubles and the busyness of life. His remedy is to ‘seek first God’s kingdom,’ verse 33. This requires a radical shift in our thinking. It requires radical changes in our lives.
The solution is to do those things that really matter first and devote time to what matters most i.e. spending time with the Lord. But sometimes people say, “I need to get everything else done first, then I can sit down and spend time with God.” Let me tell you, it doesn’t work that way.
I’ve found when I put God first, my day goes smoother and I achieve more. I still have time to fit in the other things that need to be done. When I’m too busy for God, the other things don’t happen either.
It all comes down to, do you and I trust God with our time or not?
God promises you and I if we seek first his kingdom, all those other things will be added as well. So, it all boils down to, do you trust God or don’t you? Spend time with the Lord first and you will find the other things get done anyway. It’s like God takes our time and stretches it to accommodate all that needs to happen. I know this is true. I’ve proved it in my life. You can too.
And suppose some of the things don’t get done? Then maybe they weren’t that important after all. Choose to do the important things first. Things like spending time with the Lord and with people. Trust God- He is the Lord of time. Put God and His kingdom first, this is what really matters.
Suppose you feel you’ve stuffed up to this point, that you’ve wasted so much time, so much of your life? It’s not too late to change. The thief on the cross knew his life had not been all it should be. Yes, he messed up. But at the last, he got it right. He finished well. You and I can too.
Today is the day to make those changes that need to be made. Don’t wait till tomorrow. We don’t know if we’ll have a tomorrow. Today is the time for change. – To put God and His kingdom first.
And the great thing is when we have a desire to change, God doesn’t leave us alone to get on with it. He helps us. But each of us needs to depend on Him, to take God at His Word, to trust in His word and start today to put into action those things that really matter.
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