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What Should I Name my Child?

What should I name my baby? Whatever you want. Yes that seems like a simple question and deserves a simple answer, but it can get more involved than that when you are a single parent. Lacih8607 asked whether or not she should give her child it’s father’s last name. For some single moms this can be a very confusing, and stressful event.

In my case, I knew that my son’s father was not going to be involved in his life. I knew he didn’t care what his son’s name was going to be, or even if he got a name quite honestly. I chose to give my son my last name. I was going to be the constant in his life. I was going to be raising him. It would make things easier, and raise less questions for him is I gave him my name.

In Lacih8607 case, the father wasn’t going to be in the child’s life, but for different reasons. It wasn’t by choice. The questions that may be raised by the child about his name have answers more easy to understand. If his father had not passed away, he would have been involved in the child’s life, and the child would have his father’s last name. Why would this be any different?

If I was having a baby and the father were to be involved in the child’s life, playing and active role, I would see no reason not to give the child their father’s name. Some moms wouldn’t want to because they see it as “my child” not “our child.” Some mom are angry at the father for whatever reason, and chose not to give their father’s last name.

Whatever you do decide to name your child, please consider your choice carefully. A persons name is part of their being. This is the name your child will have and live with their entire life.