Are you aggressive, fun loving, cool, or cautious? Research done comparing insurance claims and the color of people’s cars reveal some interesting trends regarding a link between the color of your car and your personality. pasted the results of the survey, which was done in great Britain and took a look at 130,000 insurance claims. It also took a look at which color cars are most likely to be in an accident, and which not.
The most dangerous car color is black (no surprise there), and the lease dangerous car color, that is the one least likely to be in an accident is cream. One thing that isn’t clear about the study is whether or not they took into account the popularity of car colors. For example, if black cars are more popular, meaning that there are more of them on the road, then it is naturally likely that they would be in more accidents, regardless of the driver’s personality or risk taking. Also to consider are cars bought used where the owner may not have had a good choice in the color of the car. And, what about colors that are on the border, such as a dark blue that is almost black, or a red that is more of a burgundy?
Anyway, here are some points from the study.
If you choose a black car, you are likely to be aggressive, an outsider or a rebel.
If you choose a blue car, you are likely to be introspective, reflective and cautious.
If you choose a silver car, you are likely to be cool, calm and aloof from others.
If you choose a white car, you are likely to be extroverted and looking for status (not to mention being kid free–I added that one myself).
If you chose a green car, you are likely to have hysterical tendencies.
If you choose a pink car, you are likely to be gentle, loving and affectionate (not to mention a girl–I added that one, too).
If you choose a yellow car, you are likely to be idealistic and looking for novelty.
If you choose a gray car, you are likely to be calm, sober and dedicated to work.
If you choose a cream car, you are likely to be controlled and self contained.
If you choose a red car, you are likely to be full of energy, think and talk fast and have a zest for life.
What do you think of these results. Are they accurate? What color car do you drive?
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, creating a home in the Home Blog, caring for little ones in the Baby Blog and now relationships in the Marriage Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here or subscribe to the blog using the subscription box on the right.
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