Satan loves to interfere in God’s work, to distract, disrupt, discourage, cause arguments and do all he can from stopping God’s work going ahead.
When our daughter, with a team of young people was involved in a mission, Satan tired to interfere. On the day she was to give her testimony, she was so sick. But people prayed and God overruled. She gave her testimony and God’s work went ahead, despite the opposition.
Satan hasn’t changed his tactic. Back in Nehemiah’s time, Satan tried to disrupt God’s work and stop it from happening.
Nehemiah 6:1-9 Nehemiah’s enemies conspire to harm him as the wall nears completion.
Nehemiah’s enemies tried to insist he meet them but it was revealed to Nehemiah, no doubt by God, that they were planning him harm. When that didn’t work Sanballat sent a letter threatening to report false information to the king, verse 7. Again he wanted Nehemiah to meet with him supposedly to discuss the situation. Nehemiah was not fooled. He knew Sanballat was trying to discourage him. He prayed for God’s help.
Discouragement is one of Satan’s greatest tools. The way to combat discouragement is to do what Nehemiah did – pray for God’s strengthening.
How easily do you and I give into our enemy, Satan, when he conspires to discourage or frighten us and stop us from completing God’s work?
Nehemiah 6:10-14 Nehemiah confounds his enemies’ plans refusing to stop the work.
Nehemiah recognized that Sanballat was not acting under God even though he wanted him to go to the temple. Nehemiah recognized the evil intent behind his words. But he did not fall for Satan’s trap.
How clearly are you and I able to see when something is not from God but sent to distract or frighten us into giving up our God appointed tasks?
Nehemiah 6:15-7:3 Nehemiah completes the wall, appointing Hananiah in change of Jerusalem and its gates.
Nehemiah and his workers carried on despite opposition so that the wall was completed, verse 15. At that point even his enemies recognized the work had been completed with the help of God, verse 16. What a powerful testimony to God’s ability to overrule and enable His people to complete His work.
How will you and I endeavor to complete the task God has given us to do?
Bible verses from New American Standard Version
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