A little bit ago, I shared some ideas for reusing odd things around the house that were featured in the Tightwad Gazette. One of those items was the humble little bread tag. You know what I mean? A bread tab is the rectangular piece of plastic that is used to secure commercial loaves of bread in their plastic bags. Bread tabs are plentiful and, of course, they are free with your bread purchase.
We already know of two uses for the bread tab. The first is as a stitch counter when knitting or crocheting. The tab has that convenient little hook that can be attached to your work as needed. Another idea for the bread tab is to use one as a guitar pick. Now, here are some more ideas for these strange little pieces of plastic.
Use the bread tabs to teach a homeschool lesson. Have your child create piles of bread tabs to count out 100 tabs. Then have the child group them by twos, fives, tens, twenties, etc.
Use the bread tabs for preschool art projects.
Use the bread tabs as poker chips or chips for other card games.
Make a fun noisemaker for the kids. Gather an empty oatmeal canister and place some bread tabs inside the canister. Add the lid (you might want to glue it down). Decorate the outside, and you are all set. You can also make a nice noisemaker using the empty tube from a roll of wrapping paper. Insert the bread tabs and then cover the ends with paper Glue the paper down or use rubber bands to hold them in place.
Use the bread tabs to label electrical cords. Write on the tab with permanent magic marker to identify the cord or what it goes with. Then attach the bread tab to the cord, and you are organized!
Use a bread tab at the end of sticky tape, so you won’t lose the end when it sticks to the rest of the roll.
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, technology in the Computing Blog, and creating a home in the Home Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.
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