While there are many things about my husband that I find attractive, there is one thing he does that is sure to get me in the mood. Don’t worry, this will be a G-rated post. I wouldn’t reveal that much about my intimate life anyway. As it is, my female friends who read this blog will probably tease me to no end just for what I am about to reveal.
Ok, whew. The things that really gets me humming is when my husband dresses up in a suit.
There is just something about seeing him looking sharp and professional that makes my heart beat a little faster. Perhaps it is because I am not used to seeing him dressed in a suit except on special occasions (his office is business casual). Usually a baseball cap and sometimes a five o’clock shadow are his trademark wear at the end of the day or on weekends. Or perhaps it triggers memories of our wedding, when he was standing there at the end of the aisle in his tuxedo, posh and well turned out. Perhaps it is the fact that his slim build can carry a suit so well, or that my subconscious somehow associates wear a suit with power or male prowess (and for the record I see nothing wrong with women being powerful people in the workplace, I’m just psycho-analyzing myself).
Whatever it is, he knows that if he ever wants to get me going, all he has to do is put on a suit, which is why, please forgive us, that we don’t stay usually long at weddings, christenings, or formal events.
So tell, me. Now that I have opened up to everyone here, please share and tell me what is it about your spouse that really turns you on. Keep it clean of course, but do tell me.
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, creating a home in the Home Blog, caring for little ones in the Baby Blog and now relationships in the Marriage Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.
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