Is your man a gentleman and is that what you want? Let me give you an example of what I mean. Yesterday at school my husband opened the door and held it open for a young woman struggling with a baby in a pram. And you know what? I’m glad he did. I’m glad he treats women with courtesy and respect and I told him so.
In his eyes he hadn’t done anything out of the ordinary. Because that’s he way he is. But it still doesn’t hurt, to let him know I think it’s good.
I’ve noticed some men in other places will hold door open and let women go first. You might think it is a generational thing, as sometimes it can happen more with older men but it’s not always the case. Some young men automatically do it too. And I think it’s nice.
Maybe it has a lot to do with the way they are brought up. If they see their Mom and other woman treated with courtesy and respect by their father, they are more likely to adopt a similar manner. As adults they will tend to be courteous and respectful of women. As parents we have a part to play in shaping the way our sons treat future generations of women.
Of course I’ve seen women, who when men hold a door open or do something courteous or kind never even thank them and glare at them as though they’ve done something wrong. You know what? It makes me feel ashamed that women can be so rude and discourteous.
Personally I like to be treated courteously. But then I’ve ever claimed to be a feminist. You see that’s the thing, some women claim they want a man who is sensitive and caring and shares his feeling and is respectful. If that’s what we want then we have to encourage men when they are and tell them how happy it makes us and how proud of them when they are.
If we want our husbands to treat us with courtesy and respect, we have to let hem know it pleases us when they do. We also have to treat them with courtesy and respect. What do you think? I’d like to hear your thoughts on anything I’ve raised here.
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