Today I am sitting here considering changing the school that my kids are currently attending. We had an incident at their current school yesterday that left me rather upset. My 10 year old son fell and landed on his shoulder and then another student fell on top of the same shoulder. He went to the school nurse and told her that the other student heard his shoulder pop as well and that he could not move his arm. The nurse said she would call me and he told her I was at school so she needed to call his Dad my hubby and instead she left a voice mail for me (because my phone was off).
She did put ice but did not call my husband for 1 hour and 20 minutes. Now when we start the school year we all fill out the Emergency Contact forms and there is other people besides our cell numbers, our work and home as well my mom and one of our friends. Not one person or phone number not even the house got called to see if my cell was working.
Now sometimes I am a little over protective but when I walked out of school and see my mom sitting there flagging me down to tell me my son was in the hospital with either a broken arm or dislocated shoulder I was not very happy with the school nurse. What kind of nurse does not call any other contacts for an hour and a half?
I did call the school principle on the way to the hospital and left a message. When I got a call today I expressed my opinion of how things were handled. I also told her that we fill out those forms for a reason and wanted to know why the procedure for accidents was not followed? She was going to have the nurse call and talk to me but I told her there is nothing she could say to me that was going to justify the fact that this happened. A child should not wait for hours in pain because the one parent could not be reached. Does this sound crazy to anyone else?