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What Would You do for Love?

The term crazy in love may not be far from the truth. When in love, many lose sight of reality and do not always think as rationally as they would under different circumstances.

In a recent article that I read, the writer was taking a look at some of the craziest things people (mainly stars) have done for love or out of love for their mate.

While many of the incidents were crazy, I began thinking that some of the readers must have much crazier tales to tell.

I will share some of the tales listed from the article and you share some with us!

Crazy acts of love:

Travel- Many of the crazy tales dealt with some type of travel in order for the couple to spend time with one another. One listed that she actually traveled about 3000 miles every week for a six month period just so the couple could spend time together. In another tale, one wife flew to Switzerland to have dinner with her husband then flew back home.

In other tales mates carried out activities that were out of their character. Some were as simple as completing list whereas others were acts such as riding rides, jumping out of airplanes, diving into cold waters, etc.

In one bizarre incident, a college student actually lived with her mate and hid the entire experience from her parents. She convinced them that her roommate was a girl.

Another star was so blinded by love that she never realized her mate was completely expiring her bank funds. Thankfully, she got a grasp on reality and put a stop to it.

Some of the tales listed above are crazier than others. However I am sure that you have much crazier tales of love. We would love to hear them!

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