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What your hair can tell you about your health

A couple of years ago, I started finding that my once thick, long, almost perfect hair was falling out in clumps, breaking easily, and thinning considerably.
I’d just had my daughter and spent a month in and out of hospital with pancreas and kidney problems caused by a trapped gallstone – so I assumed it was because, of course, my body didn’t have enough vitamins to support my hair.

I guessed right, but its taken far longer to restore even some of than balance than I ever expected.
When your hair changes texture, or starts falling out in noticeable amounts, seems thin, or breaks easily, its usually a sign that your diet is either insufficiently supporting your body with the vitamins and minerals you need to continue to grow and support your hair, or, that your body isn’t absorbing them properly. Its a low level warning, but a warning none-the-less that something is missing.

Although hair is, basically dead, its condition, and content is still governed as it grows, and healthy hair is usually a sign of a healthy body. If your hair is having problems though, you’ll probably be seeing issues with your skin, your nails, and possibly even your teeth, so its important to heed what your body is telling you.

The best way to ensure your hair is healthy is of course, a good diet, supplemented with vitamins and minerals tailored to your stage in life. I use generic cod liver oil (supermarket/chemist’s own) and multi vitamins and once every three months, with the permission of my doctor, I also take vitamins and minerals tailored to maintaining and replacing the vitamins essential for healthy skin, hair and nails. And I’m finding that slowly, its making a difference.
If you’re concerned about the condition of your hair and skin, its also good to follow up with your doctor. You might be anaemic, which is easily corrected, in most cases, with iron tablets, or you may need more health checks. Either way, your hair is a good indicator of your health, so don’t ignore it.
(if you’ve recently or continually colour, dye, or perm your hair, the chemicals, however gentle, could cause the same effects, so the supplements may help repair whatever they use up when treating your hair).