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What’s in a Name?

The answer to this question is simple – a lot!

How many people did you know growing up who wished they’d been named something else? I remember distinctly being in elementary school and wanting with all my might to be named Robin, be 19-years-old, and be a schoolteacher. Umpteen years later and with substitute school teaching behind me, I’ve long since given up on changing my name, although the idea of my thighs being 19 again is appealing.

When choosing a name for your precious new baby, there are many things to consider. For example, what type of name do you prefer? Some parents prefer to stick to names from long ago such as Matthew, John, Elizabeth, and Catherine. For others only the trendiest new names will do; names like Apple and Jett. Old names have become new again, and although our generation will likely be filled with grandmothers named Tiffany, Brittany, and Jenny, our children’s generation will consist of Emma’s, Gracie’s, and Abigail’s. As a parent myself I’ve found that parents with more than one child often stick to one “trend” when naming their children. If one child is named Preston, for example, the following child likely won’t be named something along the lines of Candy. Likewise, if a first child is named, say, Timmy, a following sibling isn’t likely to be named a formal name such as Carrington.

Does the meaning of your child’s name matter to you? I named my son Bailey. Had I been worried about the meaning of his name, I might have chosen another. It means “bailiff.” My daughter’s name, however, means “wisdom.” It’s lovely, and I’m glad for the meaning, but that’s not what made me name her Sophia.

Whatever you decide to name your child, make sure it’s something you think they are going to like down the road. Personally, I like unique names. I think they have character. But that doesn’t mean they are going to be easy to spell when your child learns to write! And with all the alternative spellings these days, America’s schoolteachers are going to be in frenzy when it comes time for name writing. There’ll certainly be a lot more, “is that spelled with an i or a y?” heard around town.

Enjoy perusing the baby books. Perhaps you’ll decide on a name right away, or, if you’re like I was, perhaps you’ll pick out a name, love it for five months, then decide two weeks before your child’s birth that you can’t stand it and choose something else. Either way, your child’s name is one small reflection of the lifetime of love you are devoting to them, so choose wisely, and have fun!