Have you heard that Johnson & Johnson will be cleaning up their personal care products by 2015?
Up until recently no one seemed to give much thought to what was in their products. We bought whatever was on sale to clean with and we all have our favorite lotions and potions. Did you ever think about what was in all that stuff you surround yourself with?
There has been a push to “go green” and I try to be green but sometimes I fall down on the job. It’s easier to get the scent I want out of a product on the shelf than to figure out how to make it naturally.
It’s really time we take this seriously. Only 10% of cancers are hereditary, the rest are environmental. What’s in your environment? What is your family exposed to through cleaning and personal care that you would not expose them to otherwise?
The first place to start is all those cleaners under the sink. There really isn’t anything you can’t clean with vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice and elbow grease. Google is a wonderful resource for difficult to clean items, and the best part is because you are looking for natural remedies you probably already have everything you need at home to make those cleaners. So not only is it healthier, it’s easier on your wallet as well.
When it comes to personal care it’s a little harder. No one wants to go without deodorant or washing their hair, but start making baby steps.
I love lotion, smelly, smooth lotion, it’s just about my favorite thing. Since our skin is our largest organ I knew I had to give up the lotion. All those chemicals are being absorbed directly through my skin. Instead I’m using organic coconut oil. I think my skin looks better than it ever had and there are no chemicals involved.
Start taking baby steps around the house, when you run out of something, Google a natural replacement. Little by little your home will be a healthier place for your family.