You know what’s more important than a clean, organized, clutter-free home? People. People are more important than the messes they leave behind.
Maybe I’m just preaching to myself, but it’s a reminder I sometimes need. Although, I have to admit that it’s getting easier to keep my perspective right. After all, I am nearing the time of seeing my first child leave the nest.
I never want to make the mistake in any of my housekeeping blogs to make it sound as if the home is more important than the people who live in it. I am all for cleanliness and order but none of that really matters in the long run.
I have a lot of regrets in this area. Not that I ever did believe my house was more important but it was the message I sent to my children.
When they were younger I was constantly agitated or angry about the messes they left behind. It was almost so bad that I would follow after them with a vacuum cleaner. I didn’t like smudges and I couldn’t stand piles of toys all over.
But at one point I was dealing with a 5, 3 and 1 year old. What else could I expect?
I wasted too much time complaining and getting upset. I wish I could go back and erase those moments.
But I can still catch myself doing the same thing today. I can cop an attitude toward my husband simply because he missed the garbage. I can raise my voice at my teen because their room looks like a disaster.
Respect and responsibility are important, don’t get me wrong. But we have to keep things in balance and in perspective. Nothing…I mean nothing is more important than our family. So let’s not ever send them a message that says anything different.
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Photo by phaewilk in morgueFile