If you haven’t visited HealthCare.gov recently, you will want to go back and take another look. There have been many changes made. Previously, the website was a resource to learn more about upcoming changes in insurance. It still is, but the focus has shifted to helping people get ready for the health insurance Marketplace.
HealthCare.gov was specifically mentioned in a recent post by Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services. The post first appeared on HealthCare.gov, and also can be read at the White House Blog. The post is titled Countdown to Affordable Health Insurance. It has information about the upcoming insurance Marketplace and changes to the HealthCare.gov website.
What’s new at HealthCare.gov? Here are a few changes that you will want to know about:
* There is a new section of the website called Prepare for the Health Insurance Marketplace. This is where to go to learn more about how the Marketplace can help you find health insurance.
* You can learn about the things that you can do right now to get ready for Marketplace enrollment in October of 2013.
* Use HealthCare.gov right now to find out if you and your child are eligible for help with the costs of your health insurance premiums. More information can be found under the Get a Break On Costs part of the website.
* Small Businesses will be able to use the Marketplace to find affordable health insurance coverage for their employees. Learn about SHOP, which stands for Small Business Health Options Program.
* There is a section called Find Insurance Options Now. This was something that HealthCare.gov had before the update to the website. The difference now is that it has become much easier to locate this tool.
* Another new tool has been added. It allows you to easily compare care providers. You can compare physicians, hospitals, nursing homes, home health agencies, and dialysis facilities.
* You can still access the Timeline of the Affordable Care Act feature. This is a good place to go if you want a quick description of upcoming changes to health insurance. You can also use the Timeline tool to learn when specific health reform laws took effect.
HealthCare.gov is a federal government website that is managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This means that the information you find on HealthCare.gov is reliable, accurate, and credible. It is an excellent resource to consult whenever you see questionable information about the Affordable Care Act passed around through social media.
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