Someone wrote me yesterday and asked me what was the story with John and Jane. Why was I devoting so many posts to their experiences? Part of the focus on John and Jane this week approaches marriage from an inside looking out perspective. You are being invited to view the marriage from their viewpoints while also being aware of their own thoughts.
John and Jane are not real people. They are, however, based on real people and real experiences. Marriage counseling can help couples retrieve themselves, their relationship and build a stronger foundation if they let it. That’s not to say that some marriages do not end, but it takes two people to make it work. That was the experience that John and Jane went through.
I am a big fan of fairytales. I love the idea that we can all live happily ever after. But happily ever after is not the end of the story, far from it – it’s closer to the beginning of the story. Marriage takes work. It takes commitment. It also needs both parties to be honest with each other and themselves.
So the story of John and Jane explores the concepts in marriage counseling and offers some suggestions, ideas and theories. Next week there will be some exercises and activities offered to give you a hand with your marriage. So enjoy the tale, explore the nuances and please keep up the comments. Marriage is not the cakewalk we’d all like it to be and arguing doesn’t mean your marriage isn’t working; arguments can be healthy for a marriage.
We’ll be talking about how and much more. So hang in there with John and Jane.