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When a TV Hero Dies

This morning my family and I were in the living room enjoying our breakfast when the news reported that Steve Irwin, better known to millions as The Crocodile Hunter, had died. The accident occurred while he was filming a documentary about the deadliest sea creatures. Apparently,in a freak accident, he was stung by a sting ray. Normally not aggressive, the attack shocked everyone. The sting piercing his heart and paramedics could not save him. Sadly, he died while in transit to the hospital.

Because we were shocked at the news, I did not have time or insight to whisk my five-year-old from the room. You have to understand that my son watched the Crocodile Hunter’s shows almost every single day. As an animal lover, he was fascinated to learn about crocodiles, reptiles, and the numerous other animals Steve Irwin “uncovered.” He, along with me, sat in disbelief as the news story unfolded.

The question then became, how do we deal with this? I spoke with my son and explained to him honestly what had happened in language he could understand. I couldn’t very well pretend it hadn’t since he’d just seen the broadcast for himself. Now, I’ll watch him and wait. And when his face shows upset or signs of confusion, we’ll talk again. Death is a concept children should not have to grasp, but sadly, many children do have to deal with it. My son has already grieved the death of grandparents and a beloved dog, so he did understand what it meant that The Crocodile Hunter had died.

If your child, like mine, loved watching The Crocodile Hunter, then you know how much Steve Irwin will be missed. My heart goes out to his family today. He is survived by a wife and two children. Though his daredevil adventures are not something I could ever do, I am greatful to adventurers such as Steve Irwin, who dared to explore the unexplorable, who brought us glimpses of worlds we otherwise would never have seen, who allowed nature and mystery into our homes–sadly at the expense of their own lives.

Today is a sad day for many. Our children’s minds have been opened by Steve Irwin. May his legacy live on and may our children, though sad, remember with fondness the man who dared to wrestle with crocodiles.

For help addressing this issue with your kids, visit the Families.com Mental Health Blog on The effect of the death of a celebrity.