After becoming a mom, I was eager to introduce my child to his Savior Jesus Christ. I knew what songs I’d sing to him and what I wanted to teach him about God’s love for us. I didn’t give much thought at that time to how I would tell him about the enemy of his soul he’d need to resist.
Children who attend Sunday school regularly will likely learn about Satan in their class. They might hear about him through the story of Adam and Eve where Satan appeared as a serpent or from the story where Jesus was tempted. I remember when I was a young child in Sunday school hearing these stories; I really didn’t think much of them. I knew that Jesus is real, but did not grasp the enemy in the Bible stories was my enemy as well.
I have talked with my oldest, who is 5 and asked Jesus into his heart at 4 ½, about the devil by not making a big deal out of it. I have told him the Bible says, “Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world!” And that means since God lives in his heart, He is bigger and my son shouldn’t be afraid, rather learn to seek Christ. I’ve found opportunity when my son has talked about feeling the need to do something naughty to tell him the enemy sometimes tempts us to do things we’re not supposed to, and we need to choose to do the right thing instead (then I have provided examples). I have shared with him too, the enemy doesn’t like it when we listen to Jesus and wants to run far away when we pray, “Resist the devil and he will flee”.
I don’t believe in making the devil something to be feared by children, but as something to gain perspective of life on by helping them understand: Sometimes people make negative choices without thinking things through; sometimes people are tempted by the enemy to do things that are unpleasing to God, but we all have choices. God can help us make good choices if we seek Him. He is the strongest and toughest there is. It’s important my sons understand they are responsible for negative actions they take, and though the devil is like a pesky fly, he does not make us do things. I want my sons to understand there is bad in this world because of sin, but we have Jesus to guide us in righteousness.