It was during this past Chanukah that I heard the speech of a mother who has experienced the ultimate suffering, something that should not happen to anyone, the loss of a child r’l. I remember the shock I experienced when I first heard the story. Three young Lubavitch yeshiva students, Yonason Bitton, Moshe Golan and Levi Hendel all off blessed memory, were killed when their van turned over and landed in a nearby ditch. They were on their way to give Chanukah cheer to Israeli soldiers in Eilat, and as soldiers of light themselves, they were “armed” with their jelly donuts, Chanukah menorahs and joy to bring light into the darkness. However, their mission was cut short and their lives, which were rich with meaning and purpose, ended just around bar mitzvah age, when a young boy reached maturity.
Three years on, on the yarzheit, or the anniversary of the death, Toby Hendel, the mother of Levi, spoke to a group of women assembled in Jerusalem for a Chanukah Convention. She spoke of how the mind, heart and soul searches for answers after such a loss, but ultimately, there is no earthly explanation for why G-d decides to take a soul back to Gan Eden so early. Heavenly “explanations” abound; a soul may be a reincarnation of someone who had lived an almost-complete life and needed to return to the world to accomplish a few things. But for these “answers” there are always more questions. For instance, why did Hashem take that soul from the world before he/she was finished with their mission in this world so that another soul could finish the work? And even if there are satisfactory explanations that temporarily soothe the mind, the heart is not satisfied. There is no escaping the pain, but somehow, in spite of one’s loss, the faith is steadfast deep in the essence of the soul that whatever G-d does is ultimately for the good.
As Toby Hendel said, “I do not understand why this happened. But someday, I hope to understand.” I am moved and inspired by such people although at the same time I am greatly saddened by their loss. When Moshiach comes, all of the souls that have passed from this world will be reconnected with their bodies and we will be reunited with everyone we miss who have passed away. May this day come soon and even today.