Whatever “system” you use to keep fit; there is one thing we could all be reminded of. It’s that while cheating the system, you only cheat yourself.
My fitness “system” is my Wii Fit Plus. I have been faithfully working out now and feeling pretty good. However there was one day when I really didn’t feel like working out. But I wanted to mark it off on my calendar and keep up the pattern I had of working out every day. I wanted the Wii Fit system to recognize my commitment.
So I worked out but I did it half-heartedly. It wasn’t about trying; it was about being able to say that I did it. However I quickly realized that while I may have cheated the system and tricked it into thinking I had put in a good workout, I was really only cheating myself.
I think what I need to do is when I get those days where I don’t feel like doing the same old thing, is change things up. I could have gotten in some exercise another way. I could have taken a walk down by the lake, taken a bike ride or lifted some weights.
When you get in those moods where you really don’t feel like doing anything, that’s not the time to try and cheat the system. You may have done something but it won’t really make a difference in the long run, so why bother?
The same is true for eating. I can cheat and sneak something. I can make it look good to others that I am really doing well with my eating habits. In the end I only end up cheating myself.
So if you have been cheating the system lately, remember that what you are really doing is cheating yourself.
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